363 Southpoint/Peace Arch Hospital

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363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital

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Route diagram
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363 Southpoint

363 Peace Arch Hospital

Trip length





360 001XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
05:3020:1414:44MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
360 002XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
06:0023:2017:20MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
360 003XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
06:3022:5016:20MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
360 001XHT
360 Peace Arch Hospital
361 White Rock Centre
362 White Rock Centre
363 Southpoint
360 Ocean Park
361 Ocean Park
362 Seaside
363 Peace Arch Hospital
07:0022:0115:01Sa (6/24-9/01)
360 002XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
07:3023:2315:53Sa (6/24-9/01)
360 003XHT
360 Peace Arch Hospital
361 White Rock Centre
362 White Rock Centre
363 Southpoint
360 Ocean Park
361 Ocean Park
362 Seaside
363 Peace Arch Hospital
07:3022:5315:23Sa (6/24-9/01)
360 005XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
08:0019:3211:32Sa (6/24-9/01)
360 006XHT
360 Peace Arch Hospital
361 White Rock Centre
362 White Rock Centre
363 Southpoint
360 Ocean Park
361 Ocean Park
362 Seaside
363 Peace Arch Hospital
08:0021:5313:53Sa (6/24-9/01)
360 007XHT
360 Peace Arch Hospital
362 White Rock Centre
363 Southpoint
361 Ocean Park
362 Seaside
363 Peace Arch Hospital
14:1820:5506:37Sa (6/24-9/01)
360 001XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
07:0021:3614:36Su (6/24-9/01)
360 002XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
07:3022:0614:36Su (6/24-9/01)
360 003XHT
363 Southpoint
363 Peace Arch Hospital
08:0022:3614:36Su (6/24-9/01)